Discussions have been taking place between club representatives and Dunfermline Ambulance Station to allow the display of around twenty members paintings on a permanent / rotation basis at the new Ambulance Station premises in Dunfermline. These paintings will be available for sale. Working arrangements for this venture are yet to be finalised but will be along the following lines:
There would be a catalogue of pictures that were being hung kept in the Station office with prices of pictures and how to pay. The 20% commission on each picture sold will go to a charity – the Scottish Air Ambulance Service was suggested.
There is room for about 20 paintings depending on size, using the mess room (11 paintings), the corridor to the conference room (3 or 4 pictures) and the long corridor (6 to 8 pictures). The arrangement for entering pictures will be similar to that used for the Townhill open day exhibition. A notice for members to enter their pictures will appear on the Exhibitions notice board later this month. To help with planning the hanging, members will be asked to provide external dimensions in centimetres on the application form. It is proposed that the first 20 pictures on the entry notice will be hung and reserves, to be held at home, will be used to replace any pictures sold. The usual standards for framing etc. will apply. The exhibition is for original works only i.e. no prints will be acceptable. Labelling will have to be attached to each picture and not on the walls. (Details to follow later.) The source of pictures, i.e. Dunfermline Art Club, will be declared on a notice/notices in the Station with a reference to the fact that pictures are for sale.
The Station management will be told beforehand how many pictures to expect. Members will be responsible for taking their own pictures to the Ambulance Station. This will probably occur between, say, 3 pm and 7pm on one day early in the week commencing 1st April 2019. (Details to follow later.) Members will need to be told how and when to deliver. Pictures will be changed 2 or 3 times a year.