At the recent Committee meeting we discussed the problems which may occur because of the coronavirus.
This problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. We have to accept that the membership of our Art Club, because we tend to be older, is one of the groups that could be at risk from the virus. We believe that Club members have the responsibility to look after themselves and give due consideration to other members of the Club. Some of you may have underlying health problems that may make you extra vulnerable and we expect that you will make your own decisions about your own risks in attending the Club.
In order to help protect ourselves from infection, which may or may not happen, we should now be much more vigilant with our hygiene procedures. We are aware that health advice may change as the situation develops.
By following the advice given, i.e. regular hand washing, the use of tissues etc., we can help to protect ourselves.
Most importantly:
If you have any cold or flu like symptoms please wait until you feel better before you come to the Club
Wash your hands on entering the Studio and on leaving and keep washing your hands with either soap and water or an alcohol based cleanser
Other things that we can do which should help:
Bring your own reusable cup or mug and other utensils when you come to the Club and take it/them home to wash
Avoid coughing or sneezing around people, us a hanky or tissue
Give your table a wipe down before you start, as well as when you finish!
At the Club we will have reminder signs up, paper towels and a good supply of soap and anything else we can think of to keep ourselves safe. (Ideas from members welcome!)
We ask anyone who is concerned that they may have encountered the virus to follow the Government advice, and self-isolate in the first instance.