Next Sketching Group Outing – Limekilns

The next outing of the sketching group will be to Limekilns on Monday 20th June where we are planning to meet up in the Promenade Car Park at 10 o’clock. All weather permitting of course. The Sketching WhatsApp group will also keep you advised on developments.

Sketching Group – Next Outing

The next meet-up of the sketching group will be on Monday 30th September at 10 o’clock, weather permitting. Meet up at Dunfermline Abbey (the end nearest to the Carnegie Museum / Library).

2020 Online Exhibition

Sadly there is no Dunfermline Art Club Annual Exhibition this year. However we do have an online exhibition on our club Facebook Page which will run from 1st until 30th June. You can go there directly via Dunfermline Art Club on Facebook or via our Tab “2020 Online Exhibition” on the website. Lots of new paintings… Continue reading 2020 Online Exhibition