On Tuesday 25th September, the club will be hosting a demonstration by Alfred Allen on painting seascapes/landscapes in acrylic. The event will run from 7.00pm through 9.00pm for which there will be a fee of £3 payable to Annette Burgess. Members wishing to attend should place their name on the list on the club noticeboard… Continue reading Alfred Allen Landscape / Seascape Demonstration – 25th Sept
Category: Demonstrations
Ken Young “Reflections” Demonstration – 22 August
Further to Ken Young’s excellent watercolour demonstration on the subject of reflections at the club on 22 August, Ken has kindly provided some photographs and comments as a follow up. And, here they are: “The first one is “Trimaran”, finished. The second is “Harbourside”, where I stopped at the demo, about 50% done. The third… Continue reading Ken Young “Reflections” Demonstration – 22 August
Watercolour Demonstration by Ken Young
We are pleased to announce the third in an occasional series of watercolour demonstrations by fellow member Ken Young. The theme for this demo is “calm reflections”. The two hour session, which is open to all club members, will be on Wednesday 22th August beginning at 7 p.m. There will be a charge of approximately £3 payable… Continue reading Watercolour Demonstration by Ken Young
Leo du Feu Demonstration Photos
Here are a couple of photographs from last weeks watercolour and sketching demonstration by Leo du Feu. There are further details and more pictures on our Facebook Page.
Alan Stephens Demonstration – 10th April
A group of members enjoyed an excellent portrait painting demonstration in oil by Alan Stephens on Tuesday evening. Here are a couple of photographs featuring Alan and model for the evening, Andrew. The club hopes to have Alan pay a return visit in 2019 to host an oil painting workshop.