Congratulations, George and Nancy

Club members and friends wish to convey our very best wishes to both Club President George Aitken and Nancy Dewar on the occasion of their marriage today. Many congratulations.

Presidents Message – Charity Donation

The following message was contributed by Club President, George Aitken:- DUNFERMLINE ART CLUB’S CHARITY FUND RAISER IN AID OF ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH — DECEMBER 2015 A suggestion arose from some members of the club re the production of a calendar depicting local scenes within Fife. Weeks of very hard work were involved by members Ann Hill… Continue reading Presidents Message – Charity Donation

Fire Station Creative Talk

FIRE STATION CREATIVE TALK BY Artist IAN MOIR Tuesday 2nd February, 2016 at 7pm Ian, who is a co-founder and project leader of the above has kindly agreed to visit the Art Club on the above date to give us a talk on the Fire Station Creative which opened in Dunfermline in July, 2015. Will members interested… Continue reading Fire Station Creative Talk