Here are some photos provided by Dunfermline Delivers showing some of the enlarged paintings from our recent Mining Heritage Exhibition. Several of these laminated enlargements now feature on the walkway wall between Dunfermline Bus Station and Bruce Street in the town.
Author: Website Administrator
Website Administrator
Club Annual General Meeting 2017
The 2017 Club AGM will be held in the club premises at Townhill on Tuesday 22nd August at 7 p.m. The Agenda is as follows: ITEM 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES ITEM 2. MINUTESOF PREVIOUS AGM ITEM 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES ITEM 4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 5. SECRETARY’S REPORT ITEM 6. TREASURER’S REPORT AND… Continue reading Club Annual General Meeting 2017
Josephine Gillespie – Workshop Info
For the Mixed Media workshop, Josephine will be doing a similar painting to the attached image. She will provide the painting ground which is a an A3+(20×14 inches) size watercolour paper, the reference photo, PVA glue, collage paper and tissue paper, masking tape, etc. The workshop will be like a “paint along with me” style where… Continue reading Josephine Gillespie – Workshop Info
Shell Fife Art Exhibition 2017 – Information
Applications are now being taken for the Shell Fife Art Exhibition 2017. The six works judged best by the selection panel will be purchased by Shell and each artist will receive a Shell Award of £200 in addition to the purchase price. (One of these awards will be for craft work) Purchased works will be… Continue reading Shell Fife Art Exhibition 2017 – Information
Josephine Gillespie – Mixed Media Workshop
Artist Josephine Gillespie will be making a welcome return to the club on Friday 18th August for a one day mixed media workshop (10.00-15.00). There is a form on the Notice Board in the club where you should append your name and telephone number if you would like to attend. The fee for the workshop is £15,… Continue reading Josephine Gillespie – Mixed Media Workshop