The Clubs Featured Artist in the Kingsgate Gallery for the month of September 2017 is Ronald Beaton. Here is a selection of paintings from Ronald’s display on “The Wall”.
Author: Website Administrator
Website Administrator
Membership Renewal 2017-2018
Now that September has arrived, the new season’s membership fees fall due. The annual fee for 2017-18 will remain at £35 and becomes payable as from Friday 1st September 2017. We feel sure you will agree that the membership fee provides extremely good value. As well as 50 weeks’ of Club meetings in a very… Continue reading Membership Renewal 2017-2018
Demonstration by Alan Stephens – Seascape
On Tuesday 3rd October, the club will be hosting a demonstration by Alan Stephens on painting seascapes in oil. The event will run from 7.00pm through 9.00pm for which there will be a fee of £3 payable (in advance) to Jen Manson. Members wishing to attend should place their name on the list on the… Continue reading Demonstration by Alan Stephens – Seascape
Arrangements for the Open Studio Event 9 Sept 2017
1. There will be a maximum of three paintings per artist (artists should already have entered their intention to submit paintings in the book on the Exhibitions Table below the notice board. Paintings and browser items for the event may be brought to the studio on Tuesday evening 5th Sept or Wednesday 6th Sept during… Continue reading Arrangements for the Open Studio Event 9 Sept 2017
Wednesday Watercolour Group – Tuition Dates
We now have a few dates for Wednesday evening watercolour tutorials by Colin Joyce. The sessions will run from 6.30 – 9.00 with a short break for refreshments. All members are welcome. There will be a £4 charge levied per night to cover Colin’s fee. The dates are:- 6th September 4th October 8th November 6th… Continue reading Wednesday Watercolour Group – Tuition Dates