Wednesday Watercolour Group

The Wednesday Watercolour Group will resume again (and each week thereafter) on 10th January. Also, during the course of 2018, Colin Joyce will be providing tuition from 6.30 until 9.00 on the following dates, so please note these in your diary. January 31st            February 28th          March 28th April 25th                 May 30th                  June 27th July 25th                  … Continue reading Wednesday Watercolour Group

Maggie Sadullah Demo Pics

Here are a couple of pictures taken at Maggie Sadullah’s Still Life demonstration in oil at the club last Tuesday. A large group of club members attended this most enjoyable and informative event. Thank you Maggie.          

Kingsgate Gallery – Opening Hours

The Gallery’s last opening dates before Christmas will be Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd December. The Gallery will then close over the New Year period and reopen to the public on Thursday 11th January 2018

Club Charity Status

The following information is posted permanently on the club About Us page and is reproduced here as a News item for public interest. Dunfermline Art Club is listed in the Scottish Charities Register, Charity Number SC041320. You can find details of the clubs annual submission to the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator via our… Continue reading Club Charity Status

Colin Joyce Featured in Leisure Painter Magazine

Club member and tutor Colin Joyce has been enjoying success lately with a series of articles in the popular Leisure Painter Magazine. Colin’s most recent published work now features one of his trademark landscapes on the front cover of the magazine’s January 2018 issue, on sale from 1st December. Congratulations Colin.