Clubs 135th Anniversary

An article in the Dunfermline Press from Saturday 23 March 1883 reported “A meeting of gentlemen called together by circular for the purpose of forming a Fine Art Association for the town and district was held in the committee rooms of St. Margaret’s Hall, Dunfermline on 22nd March 1883. As a result of this meeting,… Continue reading Clubs 135th Anniversary

Club Calendar 2019

Following the success of the 2018 Calendar, the club intends to go ahead with production of a 2019 Dunfermline Art Club Calendar. It is intended that this will again be produced in-house and printed commercially. The outlay on printing expenses will be reimbursed to the Club from the proceeds of Calendar sales. The theme for… Continue reading Club Calendar 2019

Carnegie Library Community Gallery Exhibition : 30 June – 7 October

The club will be holding an Exhibition titled “Dunfermline and West Fife” in the new Carnegie Library Community Gallery  from 30th June to 7th October. Members wishing to exhibit should put their name in the book on the table adjacent to the exhibition notice board in the Club Studio. Space is limited, but it is… Continue reading Carnegie Library Community Gallery Exhibition : 30 June – 7 October

Margaret Evans Workshop Photos

Margaret Evans Pastel Workshop was held at the club studio in Townhill yesterday (Friday). Here are some photographs from the event.

Categorized as Workshops