ONFife Brochure for Summer 2018

Fife Cultural Trust’s Brochure for Summer 2018 contains a feature on the clubs upcoming Exhibition in the Carnegie Library Community Gallery. The painting shown in the article is Abbot House Garden Gate by Robert Walker (in oil)

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Alan Stephens Demonstration – 10th April

A group of members enjoyed an excellent portrait painting demonstration in oil by Alan Stephens on Tuesday evening. Here are a couple of photographs featuring Alan and model for the evening, Andrew. The club hopes to have Alan pay a return visit in 2019 to host an oil painting workshop.

Gallery Featured Artist – April 2018

The Clubs Featured Artist in the Kingsgate Gallery for the month of April 2018 is  Helen Rowbotham. Here is a selection of paintings from Helen’s display on “The Wall”. See more on our Facebook Page.

Easter Exhibition Opportunity

The club has been invited to include art on the theme “what Easter means to me” in an exhibition being held by Viewfield Baptist church. If any club members wish to participate in this event and have anything appropriate to display, please get in touch with Anthony Luxton at Viewfield Baptist Church via Anthony.luxton@gmail.com Members may… Continue reading Easter Exhibition Opportunity