Once again we are looking for donations of items suitable for raffle prizes as well as asking members to sell raffle tickets in advance of the exhibition at a cost of £1 per book of 5 tickets. There will be two hampers, one with a Scottish theme (i.e. whisky, haggis, shortbread, tablet etc) and we… Continue reading Annual Exhibition – Raffle Prizes
Author: Website Administrator
Website Administrator
Requirements for Members Exhibiting at 2014 Annual Exhibition
Kingsgate Shopping Centre Tuesday 24th June to Thursday 3rd July 2014 Set up Exhibition: Monday 23rd June from 2 pm Hand-in paintings: Monday 23rd June between 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm Dismantle Exhibition: Thursday 3rd July from 3pm to 5 pm Exhibition opens: Tuesday 24th June at 9 am Exhibition closes Thursday 3rd July at… Continue reading Requirements for Members Exhibiting at 2014 Annual Exhibition
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