Remembrance Painting Challenge – Further Info

Although the submission of paintings for this event was timed to coincide with the start of the Winter Exhibition on 10th November, the Gallery at Unit 22 will also accept members entries for display during the Gallery’s regular hanging period (from 16th October). Paintings may be transferred to the Winter Exhibition later at members request.… Continue reading Remembrance Painting Challenge – Further Info

Painting Sales

The weekly website feature on members painting sales has now been discontinued. Details will continue to be posted on the noticeboard in the club studio as usual.

Categorized as News

Wildlife Art Demonstration – 25th November 2014

One of the UK’s leading wildlife artists, Colin Woolf, will be coming to the club on Tuesday 25th November to give a demonstration on wildlife art. The session will begin at 1830hrs. Colin works in pure watercolour, with a talent which sets him apart from other wildlife painters of today. Delicate plumage, atmospheric landscapes and… Continue reading Wildlife Art Demonstration – 25th November 2014

Remembrance – Painting Challenge

Club Members will recall the August issue of the Gallery newsletter, Complementary Colours, which offered us a painting challenge. The idea was that we should each produce a painting on the theme of remembrance, which would be displayed at our upcoming Winter Exhibition (10th-19th November). Since 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of… Continue reading Remembrance – Painting Challenge

Kingsgate Gallery – “Featured Artist” Area

As mentioned in the Complementary Colours Newsletter (Issue 2), the management team at the club Gallery are continuing with plans to develop an area within the Gallery for a “Featured Artist of the Month”. For a fixed fee of £20, the featured artist will have full use of the reserved area to display as many… Continue reading Kingsgate Gallery – “Featured Artist” Area