Gallery Appointments

We are pleased to announce that the vacant positions within the Club Gallery in the Kingsgate Centre have been filled as follows: Gallery Co-ordinator: Margaret White Assistant Co-ordinators: Elaine Campbell and Jen Manson Additionally, Jen has been elected to serve on the Club Committee.

Nichola Martin Demonstration – Reminder

This is a reminder to members that Nichola Martin’s, still Life Charcoal Demonstration will take place this coming Tuesday (10th February) at 6.30pm. Please see original news item dated 9th January for full details and a link to Nichola’s own website. There will be a charge of £2 for this demonstration.

Remembrance Painting Challenge – The Outcome

You will recall the Remembrance Painting Challenge which took place during October and November last year where the club agreed to donate the Gallery hanging fees paid by members plus any commission earned on sales of commemorative paintings to Poppy Scotland. Additionally, the artists themselves agreed to donate, at their discretion, either a proportion of or… Continue reading Remembrance Painting Challenge – The Outcome