The BBC Big Painting Challenge series currently on BBC One TV has generated a fair amount of debate in the club. If you haven’t done so already, you can find details of the programmes Little Painting Challenge on their website. Here is a link to the Little Painting Challenge page and if you want to… Continue reading BBC’s Big Painting Challenge Programme
Author: Website Administrator
Website Administrator
Unit 22 Gallery – Featured Artists
The Gallery Co-ordinator has provided the following information related to Featured Artists:- “Below are the names of the featured artists. If you are unable to hang your paintings on the allocated dates please contact one of the Gallery Co-ordinators – Margaret White, Elaine Campbell or Jen Manson. Syd Reeve … Continue reading Unit 22 Gallery – Featured Artists
New Portfolio Items
Since letting you know about the decision to expand the scope of the website Portfolio last month, there have been a number of new exhibits published and some new Portfolio Pages too. Well worth another look if you haven’t done so for a while.
Nichola Martin Still Life Demonstration
An audience of around thirty members attended last nights still life charcoal demonstration by Nichola Martin. Believed to be the first demonstration in this medium at the club, it was enthusiastically received. Outstanding examples, of Nichola’s work were also on display and were greatly admired. An informative question and answer session took place throughout a… Continue reading Nichola Martin Still Life Demonstration
Remembrance Painting Challenge – Further Donation
Further to the News post on 10th January, additional sales of “Remembrance” theme paintings have increased the total sum donated to Poppy Scotland from £474 to £534. This additional sum has been forwarded to and acknowledged by Poppy Scotland. Again, very well done to all concerned.