Club member Ken Young has had two works (Old Pier and Wellington Street) selected to appear in Paisley Art Institute’s 127th Art Exhibition. This prestigious exhibition will feature works from over 500 contemporary artists from home and overseas. The exhibition will be held in Paisley Museum and Art Galleries from 23rd May through 28th June. Congratulations… Continue reading Ken Young featured at Paisley Art Institute
Author: Website Administrator
Website Administrator
Monday Pastel Group
This is a reminder to members of Jim McLure’s Monday Pastel Group, that there will be no session this coming Monday (4th May) due to the Bank Holiday and closure of Townhill Community Centre. It will be business as usual on Monday 11th.
West Fife Villages Exhibition of Art and Photography
Club members are invited to participate in this exhibition being held in Saline Community Centre on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May (10am – 4.30pm). Works do not have to be new, but not ones that have been exhibited at Saline in the past. Four entries per member will be allowed, the fourth picture on… Continue reading West Fife Villages Exhibition of Art and Photography
Andrew Parry – Landscape Demonstration in Acrylics
A demonstration by Andrew Parry titled “Landscape Painting in Acrylics” will take place at the Club on Tuesday 28th April at 1830 hours. A £1 fee will be payable for this demo. Any members who are interested in attending, should enter their name and telephone number on the notice currently displayed in the Club.
Edinburgh College of Art Spring Exhibition
Art and Design Studies Students at Edinburgh College of Art will shortly be holding their Spring Exhibition in the College’s Sculpture Court from 11th through 17th April. Among the exhibitors is Melissa O’Gorman from Dunfermline Art Club who is exhibiting a piece of work called ‘A Different View’. (shown below) The exhibition venue is The Sculpture… Continue reading Edinburgh College of Art Spring Exhibition